Multimedia & Events Demos

VOG (voice of God) for In-Person or Online Events, Video Games, TV promos and Apps

​​Multimedia projects in voice over cover a wide range of applications. The Voice of God (VOG) category of voice over is great fun. And what voice artist behind their mic doesn’t naturally have delusions of “playing God” anyway?

Using a VOG for your live or live-streamed event can instantly add presence, status and class. It can also help build momentum and drive engagement with your audience. Think of the voice of God at an award’s ceremony, for instance, and how it generates excitement as the event unfolds.

Other great event voice-over applications are concerts, theatre performances, festivals and amusement parks. These voiceovers can simply deliver information in a classy way, such as: “please take your seats, the performance is about to begin,” or they can help build an atmosphere of mystery, fantasy or intrigue for a festival, an amusement park ride, etc.

Animation voice work for computer games and videos is another fun area of voice over that is character driven and great for voice talents who have a background, as many of us do, in stage/screen acting. 

This is a chance to unleash emotion and bring a story to life with passion. Similarly, promos, whether for TV, radio or cinema, are passion-infused voice overs designed to generate drive and call the listener to action.

Here are a few examples of multimedia voice over projects

VOG / Narrator for Events and Conferences

Video Game Voice Over

TV Promo Voice Over

TV Promo for Quintessential/SEN TV

TAGS: clear, uplifting, bright

Mobile Phone App Voiceover

Misc Voiceover

Other projects I’ve recorded include: GPS systems, audio for amusement parks, awards ceremonies – pretty much any application you can imagine!

Reach out for a free custom demo and quote for your multimedia voice over project.

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How Do I Get Started?

Step One

Contact me here to request a quote

If you need a free custom demo, attach your script to help determine the right tone/pace/accent for your project.

Step Two

Once you approve my quote and send me your final script I record your project

You can leave me to record alone, as many clients do, or direct the session live via Source Connect, ISDN Bridge, Zoom or Skype.

Step Three


Your quote includes a free pickup session for any small changes you might need. Payment is due via PayPal, Stripe or bank transfer on completion of project.