For years I’ve been researching ways to take voice over on the road so that when I travel I can accommodate clients who might need a rush job, an audition, a pickup. Voice artists tell stories of turning their hotel rooms into sound booths with bedding strewn over upturned couches and their bodies, microphones and scripts crunched up beneath.
Then there are the “Porta-Booths” – I’ve tried a couple. No offence to their inventors, but I haven’t found them that easy to work with. When your head is stuck in a small box, how practical/comfortable is it to also read your copy?
That’s why I’m such a fan of my latest investment – the beautifully designed Kaotica Eyeball – a voice booth for your mic! I ordered mine online https://www.kaoticaeyeball.com from the States and it arrived here in New Zealand just two days later.
It comes with its own detachable pop filter and accommodates most mics. I’ve recorded tests with it and I’m impressed. Sure, if there’s a helicopter flying over it’s not going to give you perfect sound isolation, but it definitely removes room echo and boomy-ness. Plus, there’s just something so adorable about it. You wanna pet it, display it proudly on your blog, offer it a dish of milk…