​Working Together

Just 5 Simple Steps

Working Together - 5 Simple Steps

1 – Contact me to request a quote.
If you attach your script, I can record a free custom demo to help determine the right tone/pace/accent for your project. My rates start at US $300.

2 – Record
Once you approve my quote and send me your final script I record your project. You can leave me to record alone, as many clients do, or direct the session live via Source Connect, ISDN Bridge, Zoom or Skype.

3 – Edit/Upload
I edit the sound files (unless you prefer to) removing unwanted takes, microphone clicks and breaths. I then upload the project (usually via Hightail) for you to review.

4 – Review/Revise
Your quote includes a free “pickup” recording session for any small changes you might want to make after the initial recording is complete – perhaps altering the way a word is pronounced or emphasised. For extensive changes, and particularly if you decide to rewrite the script or make substantial edits, I charge an additional pickup session fee of US $100.

5 – Payment
Once you receive the final voice over and confirm you are happy with it, I invoice you via PayPal (or wire transfer or Stripe if PayPal isn’t convenient for you.)

Terms and Trust
Many voice talents require payment up front as a security before beginning a voice job. I am blessed to work with clients I trust, who generally pay for my services within one week of successful completion of a project, and no later than 30 days from the Invoice/Payment Request date.

Ready to get started? I look forward to hearing from you!